With Students’ Busy Schedules, Finding Time for Exercise Can Be a Challenge

Freshman Kyle Barry gets his exercise by running track and playing soccer. Photo by: Ashley Combs

By Ashley Combs

School sports are a large part of many student’s lives, and some of those who are not in sports may have a difficult time getting the right amount of exercise needed to be healthy. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that teens should be physically active for 60 minutes or more every day. Although there are countless benefits that come from exercise, many teens are busy with school, work, family, friends, and other activities, so finding time for exercise can be a difficult task to accomplish.

The type of exercise that students get depends on what they like to do most and what interests them. Some students prefer to get their exercise through school sports. Junior Kylie Ludwig said, “I like having sports in school because you meet and become friends with people you probably would have never befriended.” Being in a sport can be a huge commitment because practices usually are five to six days a week, and for some people this can get to be too much. Many friendships are built through school sports and students get to befriend people that they might not have known before.  School sports are not for everyone, but for those who enjoy sports at school, they are beneficial.

Exercising doesn’t have to just be playing sports, it can also be anything from walking the trails out in the park to lifting weights. It is important to vary workouts because after a while one’s body will get used to the exercise that they are doing, and the results from working out won’t be as great as they were in the beginning.

Some people like to be alone when they exercise and others prefer to be with one or more people for company and motivation. Senior Erin Kinney said, “I see pluses about both. I like to be alone if I am running because I like to jam out to my music, but I like having people around while weight lifting.” Freshman Kyle Barry said that he prefers to do his own thing, but he also said that he likes doing it with other people because it helps him get stronger.

Getting exercise is a crucial part of being healthy and having a healthy lifestyle. Sophomore Emily Blake said that she enjoys exercise because “it’s relaxing and it keeps me in shape.” Being active can lower the risks of many diseases such as Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes. Physical activity also stimulates chemicals in the brain that can leave one feeling happy and refreshed. Junior Kylie Ludwig feels “better and refreshed after [exercising].”

For those who are not in a school sport, it may seem hard to find time to exercise, but if one makes time to get exercise and incorporate it into his or her daily life, his or her overall health and well-being can improve. To get exercise when at home, one could go outside and play, garden, or even do chores.  Although chores are not always exciting, they can be an easy way to get the suggested amount of exercise.

Going to the mall or on  walking through the park with friends can be beneficial for those who like to socialize because they may not even think about the exercise that they are getting because their mind is on other thoughts.  If it is near impossible and there is no extra time in the day, one could try waking up an extra 20 to 30 minutes earlier or park his or her car further away so that he or she could get more of a walk. “I run around town and do strength workouts in my basement [to exercise],” sophomore Justina Hite explained.

No matter how busy one may be and how difficult it may seem, there are uncountable ways that one could get exercise. There are many different types of exercise and there is something that will fit everyone no matter what he or she likes. “Sports at school help build community pride,”  Custodian Ellen Weist explained. School sports help students get the exercise they need, build friendships, and also help get the community involved.

Being with someone when exercising can motivate some people and for others it may be beneficial to be alone and relax. Being healthy is important for everyone and exercise is a crucial part of being healthy. It can lower risks for life long complications and also help one feel happier and more refreshed. With such busy schedules, it is important for teens to take a time out and take care of their bodies and health because, after all, if they do not then the question is who will.

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