By Patricia Ortiz
In 1862 the Mexican and French troops went into battle in Puebla, Mexico. The Mexican Army triumphed over the French on May 5 (Cinco de Mayo) at the battle. At Plymouth High School, the French have crushed the Spanish for three out of four years at the annual Cinco de Mayo eating contest.
According to French teacher Mr. Monty Peden, the Cinco de Mayo eating contest is held in the multipurpose room because it seats more spectators, and the floor can be protected from spills.
The contest is done for speed and is almost like a relay race said Mr. Peden. Spanish teacher Mrs. Constancia Wendt said that contestants have to eat in the shortest time, “half of a soft taco from Taco Bell and two mini eclairs.”
A total of 10 people from each team participate in the eating contest. Eight of these participants (two from each grade) are students and the two remaining contestants are the foreign language teachers. Mr. Peden and Mrs. Mercer are the two teachers participating for French and Mr. Button and Mrs. Wendt are participating for Spanish.
This year only the Spanish club is holding tryouts to see who will, “be the brave warriors on Cinco de Mayo,” said Mrs. Wendt.
The procedure of the eating contest is always the same. “Both teams (French and Spanish) line up in front of the table, where 20 plates prepared with half of a taco and two mini eclairs. When ‘GO’ is said, one French team member and one Spanish team member begin and eat everything on one plate each. As soon as a team member finishes (completely swallowed and empty mouth) the next member of the team begins (as a relay race). First team that finishes all ten plates completely wins the eating war,” said Mr. Peden.
This year many new people are joining the fun of the eating war. Freshmen Taylor Scott (French), Emily Merritt (French), and Kyle Barry (Spanish) are new competitors. Sophomores Bobbie Stiles (French) and Britney Horvath (Spanish) and Junior Christine Banghart (French) are also new participants for the competition. Veterans of the eating contest are seniors Emily Walden(French) who has participated one other time and Tyler Vermillion(French) who has competed all four years of high school.
Most of the students in the eating war say that the reason for doing it was the free food. Stiles and Banghart say that they joined in the eating contest because they thought it would be a fun experience.
Almost all of the students interviewed said that their friends will be there to cheer them on as they eat. “My grandma might even come [watch me compete in the eating contest],” Barry said.