Easter Bunny is Hopping in the attendance office

Mrs. Barb Craft's office shows Easter spirit. Photo by Gina Rodeghero

By Gina Rodeghero

Easter is a holiday that many people celebrate by having Easter egg hunts, and Easter baskets which tend to include people’s favorite candies.  Also, it is a big time for families to celebrate the joys of spring.

During the month of April there is one very big holiday that many people celebrate.  Some people celebrate this holiday because of religion, and some celebrate for the fun of it.  This holiday is Easter and it is a very widely spread holiday.  The thing about Easter is that when some are younger they get so excited because the Easter bunny is hopping down the bunny trail.  The joys of Easter are many religious aspects, but also being around family and the Easter activities.  Families tend to get together and do things together on Easter because it is a family-oriented holiday.

Spring is a time of new beginnings, and also a time where people rejoice because winter has left and the green of nature have come back.  Spring is also a time of Resurrection which means there is a link between Easter and spring.  “Well, I was taught that spring is a new beginning and when Jesus died on Easter he gave us a new beginning,” freshman April Bowen said.

Many children look forward to waking up and seeing their favorite Easter candy all wrapped up in a basket.  “My favorite candies are Starbursts, and jelly beans,” Bowen said.  People who have favorite Easter candies tend to have a past experience with that candy that made it their favorite.  “I have one favorite candy and it is Reese’s peanut butter eggs,” freshman Sarah Puglisi said.

On Easter day, families join together and do many activities. “We go to sunrise service and get all dressed up for church,” Bowen said. Church is a very big event on Easter Sunday for many religions because they all get to celebrate.  “We go on Easter egg hunts, paint eggs, eat breakfast at church Easter Sunday,” Pugilisi said.

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