Acting Class Teaches More Than Acting

Junior Christina Krozel, senior Sarah Craft and sophomore Faith Read are all students in Mrs. Tyree's acting class. Photo by: Casey McDonald

By Jake Lenburg

Every trimester, the theater department puts on a production for the community. The cast and crew are always hard at work preparing for the show. While the crew prepares the sets and lights, the cast goes all-out preparing and rehearsing for the show.

Most students do not know what exactly goes on in acting class. Freshman Markee Farler said that in class “we act, talk, and we are ourselves; no one judges us.” Additionally, the class does many skits and improv routines.

Preparation is part of the craft of acting. “We have many forms of auditions and methods that make us better at acting,” junior Christina Krozel said.  Sophomore Lauren Smith also works on her lines outside of class, such as in SRT,  homeroom, and during free time in classes.

For some students, the skills learned in acting class not only make them better actors or actresses, but also better people overall. Freshman Breanna Morrow said her “confidence has been stronger” and she has “better social skills” after taking the class. Krozel said that “it has shown many sides to people and their lives.”

While improving their acting skills, acting class students also gain other skills, too. “I’ve been able to learn how to be someone or even something that is nothing like myself,” Smith said.

The class has created numerous memories for both the teacher, Mrs. Charlotte Tyree, and its students. “In 2008 both our son Jon, a sophomore, and our daughter Nancy, a senior, were in the ‘Wizard of Oz’ together and that was a great memory,” Mrs. Tyree said.

Smith remembers “being Dopey for Snow White and it taking like three people to get my insane ears to stay on.” Krozel recollects her talks with Sarah Craft and Jordin Cook. “Also, I remember the rule of keeping your clothes on [created by Sam Compton who had his shirt get tangled in his microphone in A World of Words].”

With the school year coming to a close, the acting students look forward to the future. The acting students said they all were planning to take acting class next year.

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