Boy’s Golf Team Kicks Off a New Season

Sophomore Kendall Fosler works on his golf swing during practice. Photo by: Mrs. Mary Gifford

By Lauren Rearick

Spring is in full swing, and it is time once again for the PHS boy’s golf team to take to the course.

Members of this year’s team have lofty goals for themselves and the team as a whole.  Freshman Nate Kolter said, “My personal goal this season is to make it to Regionals individually.”  Junior Lane Singleton also hopes to make it to Regionals as an individual, while sophomore Christian Wiers is aiming even higher.  “My goal this season is to go to State.  Go big or go home,” Wiers said.

In order to reach these goals, members of the team are working hard to improve the areas in which they struggle.  Freshman Zach Craft named putting as his weakest area, along with Wiers and Singleton.  Sophomore Kurt Corsbie, on the other hand, said that he struggles most with the mental aspect of the game.  Kolter agreed, saying, “I think way too much when I’m playing.  I just have to work on my mental game.”

While practicing hard at Plymouth Country Club is certainly helping the team to improve, players are looking to parents, fellow teammates, and golf experts for further guidance.  Kolter has improved his game with help from golf professional Bruce Rearick at Swan Lake Resort, while Singleton has been taking tips from golf pro Doug Stidham, also of Swan Lake.  When asked who has helped him to improve his golf game, Wiers said, “Mr. Waymouth and Kurt Corsbie have helped me, of course!”

Experience is also key to the success of the team this season.  Many players have dedicated over a decade of their lives to the game of golf.  Craft has been playing for 10 years, while Wiers has been enjoying the game for 11 years.  Kolter said, “I have been playing golf competitively since I was six years old.”  Singleton said that he has also been playing since the age of six or seven.

These years of experience help to make the boys confident and nerve-free during matches and tournaments.  “I don’t really get nervous before matches,” Wiers said. “The bus rides relieve any tension.”  Kolter said, “I have been in a lot of situations, so I only get nervous before big matches.”  Likewise, Craft and Singleton are able to stay calm and relaxed while they play.

This season is sure to be full of the ups and downs that come with playing a team sport, but the players all have something that they enjoy about the PHS golf experience.  “I like hanging out and being competitive,” Singleton said.  Kolter loves the fun times that come with being on the team.  Both Wiers and Craft said that playing in matches is what they look forward to most.  Corsbie agreed that heading out for a round of golf is the best part of being a team member.

The boy’s golf team will put their skills and experience to the test when they take on Culver on Saturday, April 16 in their season opener.

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