By Maggie Morrow
Recently, the Business Professionals of America (BPA) team traveled to Indianapolis to compete at the State Leadership Conference. With five State Champions and six State Runners-Up, this year marks the most successful State Leadership Conference in PHS history.
“This has been a fantastic year for Plymouth BPA! Not only did we continue to have tremendous success at the district and state levels, but we had a record twelve people qualify for nationals,” senior Bryt Hiatt says.
For several BPA veterans, advancing to Nationals is not a new concept. Seniors Sarah Gouker and Scott Cawthon will each be advancing for the second year in a row, competing in Prepared Speech and Administrative Support Team, respectively. Also, Hiatt has advanced for the second time in his four years, winning his second state championship as well. Senior Eric Blake was also a state champion in Fundamental Spreadsheets. Individual State Runners-Up were juniors Kelly Bryant in Keyboarding Production, and Logan May in Computer Security. Bryant also finished fifth in Fundamental Word Processing, which will serve as her second event to be competed in this spring. May, a first year competitor, also placed in Marketing, Management, and Human Resource Concepts; Information Technology Concepts; and Financial Math and Analysis.
When it comes to preparing for a competition, the students’ ideas and tactics vary. “I was basically just tested over computer knowledge,” says May. “I felt comfortable with what I know, so I didn’t really study at all,” he adds. Singleton, however, took a different approach. “For Small Business Management, we have to practice our presentation several times before presenting,” says junior Lane Singleton. “If we want to do well, it just takes practice, practice, and more practice,” he adds.
Several events that Plymouth has proven to be successful in have little or no returning competitors. Plymouth’s Administrative Support Team is advancing for its second straight year; however, it will be with three new members. The Small Business Management Team won its third state championship title in four years, as well, consisting of seniors Courtney Harris, Bryt Hiatt, Maja Howard and Lane Singleton.
“I feel like this has been a really rewarding experience. I enjoyed it. The test for Payroll was hard, but it’s all a learning experience. It is definitely something that everyone should try. This year’s BPA team was really close and I feel like we all make up this big family.” Hill said.