By Patricia Ortiz

This trimester's new journalism students are eager to begin writing. From left to right: sophomores Ashley Combs, Lauren Rearick and Jacob Lenburg. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz
Every year new eager faces emerge from the crowd of students at Plymouth High School ready to put their creative minds at work. Journalism is one class in which new faces appear all the time.
This trimester three new people have joined the journalism family. Ashley Combs, Jacob Lenburg, and Lauren Rearick, all sophomores, are the most recent members of journalism. Journalism is a class where students pass out questionnaires to fellow students, take pictures, and write about things that occur in the school, around the world and the community.
Combs, one of the new journalism students, joined journalism “at the beginning because of the credit, but I also love English and writing so now I love it!” Loving English is a great quality to have when joining journalism because most of what journalism does is write. Combs does not want to pursue a career as a journalist but is planning on being “a pediatric nurse.” Along with being a new edition to the journalism class, Combs is an active member of Sunshine Society, FTA, and track. “Sassy, sweet and (sometimes) shy,” are three words that Combs states would describe herself. Combs says that her hobbies would be, “to cook, run, be outside, and shop.” Over spring break Combs is going to Florida to see her grandpa and enjoy the warm Florida weather.
Rearick joined journalism because, “I love to write, and it gives me the chance to talk to students about real world topics.” Not only is Rearick a part of the journalism class, but she is also a member of Varsity golf, tennis, theater, dance, piano, youth group, Sunshine Society, Spanish Club and Key Club. Having so many activities it is a wonder that Rearick has time to do her hobbies. Rearick’s hobbies would be to play golf and tennis, doing dance class, and playing the piano. Rearick would describe herself as, “a perfectionist, sporty, and caring.” Over Spring Break Rearick is planning on “going to Florida Keys with my family.” Although Spring Break is a week away most people are busy making summer plans. Rearick said that her summer plans would be “doing summer golf and tennis, and I will probably spend most of the summer at Lake Michigan.
Lenburg is also a new writer for the Pilgrim Perspective. Lenburg picked journalism because, “ I wanted to write about what is going on in school.” Along with journalism, Lenburg is involved in BPA. A school subject that Lenburg enjoys is history because “of all the civilizations, wars, people, etc. Everything in that subject is interesting to me.” Lenburg shared some of his hobbies which are “seeing old films, reading books and hanging out with friends.” Three words that would describe Lenburg would be “caring, funny, and thoughtful.” Unlike Combs or Rearick, Lenburg’s Spring Break plans do not include going to Florida. Lenburg states that his plans for Spring Break would be to “sleep in, read a few books and exercise.”
Combs, Rearick, and Lenburg all came in to journalism not knowing that the paper was now online. Lenburg thinks that putting the paper online saves a lot of paper. Rearick says that putting articles online is better because the articles are more current.