Senior Spotlight – Lauren Wiegand

Lauren (1)

In the month of November, the Senior Spotlight is featuring Lauren Wiegand.

Most people do not know that… “I spent my summer at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology for an Engineering based camp. I worked under a professor and studied microbiology and bacteria from around the campus. We also got to spend time with students at RHIT and went on adventures every night, it was a life changing experience. I made an awesome group of friends, and hope to return there for college life next fall.”

My best childhood memory is… “when I was around five, I remember riding my bike through the rain with every kid in our neighborhood. It was always so fun to ride to the park down the street and play on a warm but rainy day.”

My favorite song is… “Ghost” by Andrew Garcia, it’s an upbeat and fun song to listen too when you’re in the mood to work out or get pumped up.”

If I had one superpower it would be… “the ability to shape shift, for sure.”

My favorite quote is… “Don’t look back, just keep walking” (Unknown), I like this quote a lot because it helps me keep my eyes focused on the future. Sometimes I look back at what I’ve done and don’t pay attention to where I’m going, there’s no use looking back at something you can’t change.”

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