Life After High School

Last year's seniors not only attended college, but they also joined the military as well. Photo by: Alicia Sanchez

Last year’s seniors not only attended college, but they also joined the military as well. Photo by: Alicia Sanchez

By Alicia Sanchez

Life after high school can be a completely new experience for high school students.

Students must be prepared for life after high school. Depending on their situation, they could be living entirely by themselves. For a number of students, this will be a first time experience that they have not dealt with before. Freshman Morgan Espich said, “I think [living on my own] sounds exciting but it is still kind of scary, to be completely honest.” For other students, living on one’s own is not as scary as others would think. Freshman Jack Garner said, “I feel like I am an independent person already, so bring it!” Freshman Mickaela Bush said, “I can’t wait till I graduate and start living on my own. It’s not just about the freedom; I want to do something with my life.”

Part of living on one’s own involves handling money. Students need to be financially responsible in order to successfully live by themselves. Freshman Andrew Haines said, “I practically burn money now, but I think I’ll be pretty good when I’m older. I plan on getting a job as soon as I possibly can to get the money to support myself.” Freshman Diana Perschbacher, on the other hand, does not have a job and “can’t see myself getting one any time soon.” Freshman Kate Renneker said that she hopes she will be able to handle the financial responsibilities of living on her own “because I am an awful saver but a great spender.” Freshman Grace Allmon said, “I think I will [be able to handle the financial responsibilities] because there are many jobs out there for people just starting off.”

Students can also attend college after high school. Knowing this, high schools try to prepare students for college life. Freshman Rylee Tostevin said, “So far I’ve mainly learned that things aren’t easy. Considering it’s the beginning of my freshman year, I know I haven’t learned all I can about college.” Freshman Sam Zechiel said, “We have a college and career prep class” that he said prepared them well. Senior Jeovany Villagomez said, “It gave me a variety of things to learn from and gave me bad and good experiences, a mixture of both, but at the same time it’s good because it kind of gets me thinking about what real life going to be like.” Other students do not feel as prepared as them. Junior Jasmine Baird said, “I think that school has prepared me for college very well, but not for living on my own.” Freshman Ted Clark said that high school hasn’t prepared him “very well because so far some classes go too fast for me to catch up.”

Taking time off of school to make a college trip can help give students a better idea of what to expect in college. Freshman Carly Hersick said, “I went to Manchester University because of both my sisters. I also went to Notre Dame because that is where my sister works.” Sophomore Marcos Contreras visited “Notre Dame” to “check it out.” Freshman Hailey Shipley “went to Bethel College and watched/talked to the track coach.” Freshman Raquel Teutle said, “I went to see Purdue university with my 6th grade classroom and what we did was tour around Purdue and see inside of the many buildings and learn about the different types of studies you can learn there as well.”

College is just one of the numerous options available to high school students after graduation. Photo by: Alicia Sanchez

College is just one of the numerous options available to high school students after graduation. Photo by: Alicia Sanchez

Students have different ideas about what they want to do once they graduate from high school. Students can attend college soon after graduating. Freshman Brittney Klotz said she was “planning on going to Grace College in Warsaw.” Freshman Luke Walters said, “I plan on going to Purdue to be an engineer.” Freshman Haley Buchanan plans on “going to Ball State.” Freshman Hoang Nguyen wants to go to medical school. Sophomore Megan Burns plans on finding a part time job and the attempting to “try to find a college and do some classes while working.” Other students may have exact jobs in mind when attending college. Freshman Morgan Stevens said, “I plan on going to a nice college and later on becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon.” Sophomore Brandie McVicker wants “to have a career in early childhood development.” Freshman Trenton Arvesen said, “I will finish college and move to France. As a Forensic Anthropologist, my job is to give skeletons a face. Now the Catacombs of Paris, France will be the best experience.” Students also have other options available to them. College isn’t their only option. Freshman Lois Erickson said, “I plan on joining the Air Force while doing schooling online, so I can rank higher than regular people.” Freshman Tyler Bare said he is “not sure” what he wants to do, but he’ll “probably work for a bit, take it easy.” Sophomore Joshua Caudill said that he wants to join the Army and would like to move away from his family “because sometimes I need space.” Freshman Nano Tijerina said, “I plan on getting a job and hopefully moving out and getting a place.” Freshman Kaitlyn Buckland said, “I would like to travel around the world before I decide what I want to do with the rest of my life.”

Adult responsibilities can be a scary thought to some while an exciting one to others. Baird said, “I am nervous and a little scared [about my future], but I’m also excited to create and pursue my own adventures in life.” Sophomore Heather Samanie said that she hopes “whatever I decide [to do] will be a good decision.” Freshman Elizabeth Mendez agreed and said, “I just hope everything [in my life] goes okay.” Freshman Gabriella Ruiz said, “It’ll be scary, but I’ll figure it out.” On the other hand, freshman Mackenzie Umbaugh said, “I’m looking forward to [my future]” and whatever it brings.

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