Sophomore Kassie Dickey would rather be working on the farm, then be anywhere else. Photo by: Janessa Salazar
By Yasmine Reyna
Kassie Nicole Dickey is currently a sophomore at Plymouth High School. She enjoys working on her livestock in her free time, and showing them off which serves as a main hobby for her. After she graduates high school, her plan is to go off to college to study business and marketing. Kassie has lived in Culver her whole life, listening to all kinds of music, but her favorite by far is country.
Country has always been with Kassie ever since she was little. Kassie would like to go off to college when she is finished with high school to study business and marketing. During her free time when she is not working on school work she loves to work on her livestock. The biggest fear that Kassie has is dying. Kassie has been to several states, which include Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina, and Michigan. She comes home to two dogs each night to sit down and watch her favorite television show Full House.
Kassie has two sisters; she enjoys playing volleyball in the summer with her oldest. Kassie has been involved in volleyball for five years and counting. Her favorite part about coming to school is going to lunch, and being able to see her closest friends. Kassie says her biggest inspiration would be her dad because he has been through so much, and has always managed to stay strong through it all.
Something that many people do not know about Kassie is that she has an extra vertebrae in her back. Happiness is something that Kassie carries with her, and she describes it as “When you always find the positive out of every situation.” Since she is a farm girl, her life motto is “When in doubt go to the farm.” The movie Flicka is her favorite because each time she watches it, it brings her memories and much happiness. If she could go back in time and change something, it would be to change the way she treated her parents when she was much younger. The biggest pet peeve that Kassie has would be when “kids think it’s cute to act immature.”
There have been several proud moments in Kassies’ life, but the proudest moment was when she won grand champion “Meat Goat Doe” at the Marshall County Fair. She plans on competing at a few more fairs before she heads off to college.
Good job!!! I could have never write a story like that.