PHS New Student Teacher Miss Caudill

Miss Caudill is helping students with their work in English class. Photo by: Janessa Salazar

Miss Caudill is helping students with their work in English class.
Photo by: Janessa Salazar

By: Elia Figueroa

Having to choose what college one would like to go after high school can be a really hard decision, but for some people it is not very difficult. Knowing what one wants to be is a big help in life and a huge jump start in a career. Miss Elisabeth Caudill is a student teacher with Mrs. Gifford who teaches English and journalism.

Miss Caudill is an only child, and she has a dog named Sadie. She comes from Knox, Indiana and attended school at Knox High School. One of her favorite subjects in high school was English. She lives by the quote: “I might not be able to change the world, but I can inspire someone that can.” In her spare time she likes to read. Two of her favorites sports are basketball and tennis.

After high school Miss Caudill went to Indiana University of South Bend. She went to college to become a teacher. Her goal in life is stated here, “I always wanted to be a teacher, and I always want to inspire students to reach their dreams; being a teacher is

Miss Caurdill , a student teacher for Mrs. Gifford who is currently a student at IUSB. photo by: Elia Figueroa

Miss Caudill , a student teacher for Mrs. Gifford, is currently a student at IUSB.
photo by: Elia Figueroa

the best way to inspire others.”  One of the people that most motivated her was her mom. She said “My mom truly inspired me because of her dedication and work ethic.”  She also stated, “I would like to help as many students as I can, and impact their lives in a positive way. When you are a teacher,  you have an opportunity to help these students.”

Having to be a student and then becoming a teacher is a bit strange. “It is very different being a teacher and not being a student in college. I have to teach and it is nice to take what I learned and use it in the class.” One of the ways Miss Caudill prepares for her students is by knowing that she is also learning something new each day through her mistakes. She said that something she does not do is stress over what she is going to teach that day.
The grade that Miss Caudill would like to teach is 10th, but she does not really have a preference. Miss Caudill said,“I know that I will make mistakes in student teaching, but I would like to be able to learn from those mistakes, so that I can become a great teacher.” An inspiring aspect about Miss Caudill is that she is a lifelong learner which means that she will never give up; student teaching is the foundation that she needs to achieve her goals and inspire her future students.

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