There are plenty of fashion choices in the world. You can dress like Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, or even Mrs. Gifford. Everyone has his/her own fashion, especially for holidays.
While the temperature is going down, the layers of clothing is going up. Fashion takes up a some effects on mood. Senior Taylor Fulton said that he dresses accordingly to the holiday. “I dress more fitting like it, so for Christmas I’ll wear more Christmas sweaters and pants.” On the other hand, senior Madison Gunderson said that she doesn’t necessarily dress differently,but she does definitely dress up. “I like to look nice when I go to my family get togethers and to church on Christmas Eve.” Like Fulton, sophomore Emily Hoffer said, “I dress more festive and try to show holiday spirit.”
Holidays can bring families together. Some families match color or same clothes, like Gunderson who has matched clothes with her boyfriend “Christmas Eve last year my boyfriend and I wore something similar to each other. We wore the same colors to Easter this year as well.” But not everyone matches with others like junior Krysta Cantero said she hasn’t match anyone. “I personally haven’t matched with another person.” Like Gunderson, sophomore Deisy Hernandez said “Yes I have and we match the shirts.”

Turning ugly sweater to fancy sweaters Crysta Cantero and Elia Figueroa both wear Christmas sweaters for the holidays. Photo By: Maria Ortiz
People wear certain clothing such as a Christmas sweater following tradition. Junior Cantero said, “I love Christmas sweaters because they’re so cute and ugly at the same time.” On the other hand, sophomore Megan Cooper said she hasn’t but she has thought about it. “I have never worn a Christmas sweater but, it has crossed my mind to wear one a few times.” Students can dress fancy, or comfy in holiday colors but it all shows Christmas spirit.