The Expectations of PHS Students

By: Sundra Kunze

Expectations can help create one’s personality. Something that can create one’s personality is for people to set goals for one another and how they want them to be.

Working diligently on their assignments, Zak Early and Rem Miller do the best they can to live up to their expectations. Photo By: Sundra Kunze

Working diligently on their assignments, Zak Early and Rem Miller do the best they can to live up to their expectations. Photo By: Sundra Kunze

Students at Plymouth High School are expected to do great things with their lives. But students expect themselves to reach all of these expectations by others and the ones they have made for themselves. The students have all kinds of expectations, from all kinds of people. These expectations go from now and they continue to the future. Senior Nadia Baca says “Currently I want to pass my classes and graduate high school. In the near future I want to graduate college and travel.” Not all students have expectations planned for now and in the future, but have expectations that they have for a lifetime. Sophomore Megan Cooper said that she doesn’t want to “give up no matter how hard things get.”

Expectations can have an affect on people, like how they live their life or how they treat others. Freshman Emma Daniels said, “Expectations affect me by making me into someone I’m not.” Daniels explains that expectations change who she is. But freshman Rem Miller believes that “Expectations are a source of stress for me, both the ones my family demands and the expectations I put on myself. I’m a perfectionist and I feel awful and worthless if my grades aren’t perfect or if I disappoint my family.” For students expectations can have a positive or negative effect on them, but both junior Zak Early and freshman Aliyah Bertrand have said that expectations do not have an affect on them.

The expectations near the holidays can be higher. Aliyah Bertrand feels the pressure of expectations during the holidays. Photo By: Sundra Kunze

The expectations near the holidays can be higher. Aliyah Bertrand feels the pressure of expectations during the holidays. Photo By: Sundra Kunze

These students have different perspectives on what expectations are really used for. Sophomore Kaila Himes believes that expectations are used “to set goals that you can set your mind to doing.” Himes says that expectations are mostly used for goals. Other students have their own opinions about this. Miller says, “I think expectations are used to motivate us. We want to meet people’s expectations so we push ourselves to achieve something to make that person happy.”

There are several different kinds of expectations that are set by either ourselves or by others, but no matter wherever a person is there will always be expectations to exceed from.

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