Students’ Views on Technology Differ

This laptop cart in the library holds some of the computer that the school gives us to use. The use of laptops has certainly changed the ways we learn and teach at this school. Photo by Sharon Oviedo.

This laptop cart in the library holds some of the computers  the school gives students to use. The use of laptops has certainly changed the ways students  learn and teachers teach.  Photo by Sharon Oviedo.

By: Sharon Oviedo Technology is something this age group heavily depends on. Where would the world be without it? It creates all these opportunities that people never had before and makes everyday work simpler to do. Students view technology and its use in different ways.

Whether it is for learning purposes or for pure entertainment, people seem to be always using technology. The people of today are constantly looking at  their screens to see what is happening in the world. Slowly people are leaving the world of hard work and turning to a world that confides in technology. Even Plymouth High School is changing from hand written work to laptops students do work on. Apple has been a part of the educational plan  at PHS and how the education is developing and being administered.  Today’s age group is in constant use of technology.  When asked about how today’s age group responded to Apple technology,  freshmen Chelsea Trierweiler says, “we didn’t respond to Apple, it’s kind of what we grew up with.” People has been affected by technology in one way or another. It has become a big part of the education, entertainment, and personal lifestyle. To this day, there seems to be no known limit to technology. It is always improving and evolving in ways to help improve the lives of men and women. Most classes at PHS have use of laptops and other pieces of technology. Sophomore Cynthia Renteria says, ”In some classes it is essential to have the computer, but in other classes it is not really needed.” Although there are both advantages and disadvantages to the use of technology, when asked about the benefits at PHS freshmen John Lara says,”It is not for everyone because some people learn better with pen and paper. It can be though because some people think it is better to learn using what they love… Technology.” That is not the only way it can be beneficial or not. Trierwiler

 In one of the manufacturing classes a student is cadding, or designing, a train for a project on a computer during class. Many students have used technology that assist them in their work and projects here at PHS. Photo by Sharon Oviedo.

In one of the manufacturing classes a student is cadding or designing  a train for a project.  Many students have used technology that assist them in their work and projects here.
Photo by Sharon Oviedo.

says, ”It doesn’t benefit everyone. Cyberbullying came from the use of technology.” Sophomore Leonardo Baca also claims,” Yes, new jobs are created because of it.” Either way technology has several uses for several different situations. Still the world goes around the use of technology. Students use it for everyday purposes such as school, social media, entertainment, and other daily uses. Senior Brandon Goodman says,” I have cell phone, laptop, tv, and xbox for entertainment.” Trierweiler claims,” I have my phone when I need to talk to people and for entertainment. Then a nook for reading.” Students were asked if they were to part with a piece of technology what would they pick. Trierweiler responds, ”The remote control to my fan. I can survive without it.” Renteria says, ”I think that if I had to give up a piece of technology it would have to be my computer. I would give up the computer because you can always get information from somewhere else and not always have to depend on the computer to do it for you.” Goodman says he would give up his cell phone so he “can have a real conversation with somebody.” Technology is used and affects people in several ways. It has both benefits and its disadvantages. Technology has influenced and changed the world in several ways. Now it has changed and influenced the lives of students at Plymouth High School.

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