Students’ Interest In Fine Arts

This set of stairs created by Cassie Quissell is in the display case for anyone to see.

This set of stairs created by Cassie Quissell is in the display case for anyone to see. Photo by: Sundra Kunze

By: Sundra Kunze

The Fine Arts program at Plymouth High School has provided an outlet for students to be creative and passionate about what they do. The Fine Arts program does not only include one’s interest in just art, but other types of art such as music, designing, and other basic skills in everyday life.

One category of fine arts is writing. This is a style of art called calligraphy. Photo By: Sundra Kunze

One category of fine arts is writing. This is a style of art called calligraphy. Photo By: Sundra Kunze

Various people have different perspectives on the definition of fine arts. Senior Mariah Tepper answered with “any sort of creative art.” What Tepper is saying is that it has to deal with any kind of art. On the other hand, sophomore Felicia Dixon replied with “anything that has to deal with music, acting, or art.” Junior Sophia Smith believed that “anything that expresses a person’s individuality and creativity” is an expression of fine art.  Dixon’s response is also following the same path as Tepper. Now Smith is explaining that fine arts is more than just any type of art; she is explaining how it is also a part of someone’s life and themselves.

Now the question was why they were interested in fine arts. As all of their responses have a connection with one another; the connection also was intertwined with their interest in the fine arts. Tepper answered with “it’s amazing how a single song can change my mood. It’s amazing how I can talk to someone far away about a rhythm and they understand what I’m talking about.” Her definition has a connection with her interest in fine arts.  Smith said,  “I’ve learned a lot about life from fine arts. With fine arts it’s like I can be myself no matter what. Also fine arts has shown me it isn’t always about competition. It’s about trying hard to get better.” Dixon commented with “it’s the funniest

The fine arts isn't always about drawing or painting. It's also about the keys of a piano. Photo By: Sundra Kunze

The fine arts isn’t always about drawing or painting. It’s also about the keys of a piano. Photo By: Sundra Kunze

thing I’ve ever done. It makes me happy.”   Smith said  “Just everything about the fine arts is interesting. You get to find out your strengths and weaknesses and you get to work on those weaknesses to make them strengths. Every aspect of the fine arts is very interesting and amazing.”

PHS students  are interested in different forms of fine arts. Tepper said, “Music, everyone listens to music; it’s a way to connect with people. Music is the same anywhere you go. A quarter note is a quarter note no matter where you go. It’s a universal language. ”  Smith enjoys “choral arts, only because it’s in almost all of our music that we listen to today.” Dixon said  “probably band because almost everybody in this school is in a type of band.”

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