Students’ Special talents

Students at Plymouth High School have a talent. Some are special and some may not be but everyone has a special talent.

Sarah Lamb said she plays the “viola, cello, violin, and bass.”  She said she thinks its a talent because, “basically to me anything is a talent, even walking so I think it is a talent because everything is a talent of some sort to me.” This is special to Lamb because, “they are just ordinary talents such as walking. Not many people can play all four instruments, so it’s special and they are special “not

Singer Wilmer Hernadez  By Cassie Torres

Singer Wilmer Hernadez
By Cassie Torres

many people can play all four instruments.” Lamb said, “I know students who can play one of the four instruments, but I don’t know anyone else who can play all four. I’m sure there are other students who can play all four, just not [anyone] I know.” A special talents to lamb is “something that not many people can do that can takes a while to do/perfect.” She was aware of this talent when “I was little we had an antique viola and I always played with it till I got in 4th grade and started playing it.” Lamb also uses her talent all the time. “At my sisters wedding, contests, and many birthday parties. I play them all the time.”

Not everyone has the same talent, Junior  Wilmer Hernandez has a different one. Wilmer said his talent is, “acting and singing. He said it is a talent “because God [gave it] to me and all my family and my friends and other people tell me I have talent. He also said, “when I sing I do it with all my passion same for action.”

Freshman John Lara also has a special talent too. Lara special talent is BMX bike stunts. He thinks its a talent because, “I am really good at it.” He said he does not think it is special because, “a lot of people are good at it.” He said, “some might” have the same talent as him. Lara describe his talent as “I do tricks on bikes and I am good at it.” None of Lara’s family can do this. John said he was aware when “I started going to the skate-park with friends and doing tricks.” He uses his talent when he is “with friends and whenever I am bored.”

These three kids are some of few students that have special talents. There are many more students that have special talents.


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