Over the Summer Students and Teachers Traveled on Mission Trips

Senior Breanna Morrow and her team traveled to Costa Rica, worked on construction for one of the Score International facilities, by making cement and digging holes. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Senior Breanna Morrow and her team traveled to Costa Rica, and worked on construction for one of the Score International facilities, by making cement and digging holes. Photo by: Katie Sommers

By Katie Sommers

Even though summer has past and school has begun, the memories of summer are still with the students who traveled on mission trips to foreign countries.

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Students Discuss Their Eating Habits

A delicious looking cinnamon role is prepared to be eaten along with a cup of grape juice. Photo By: Shelby Harrell

A delicious looking cinnamon role is prepared to be eaten along with a glass of grape juice. Photo By: Shelby Harrell

By Shelby Harrell

The growl of the stomach and the sharp pains of hunger can be enough to throw off even the most focused students. For most, the smell and taste of their favorite foods can solve this problem. Various students at Plymouth High School were able to describe what types of foods they like to sink their teeth into.

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