By: Gina Rodeghero
Seniors at Plymouth High School think about their last trimester in high school, and what they are planning to do after graduation.
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By: Gina Rodeghero
Seniors at Plymouth High School think about their last trimester in high school, and what they are planning to do after graduation.
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Mrs. Barb Craft, attendance secretary, is one of the many staff members supporting the Dash for Hope by wearing her green shirt. Photo by: Eric Burch
By Eric Burch
The “Dash for Hope” is running up on the schedules quickly. This event will be taking place on March 16th, the day before St. Patrick’s Day.
Emma Libersky said, “I’m very excited to compete in nationals.” Pictured from left to right are, Laura Scanlan (NEA), Emma Libersky, Lewis Ricci (IAC). Photo Contributed by: Brian Drumm.
By Rebeca Lee
Besides her schoolwork Sophomore Emma Libersky never had anything to do with poetry, until one day she heard on the announcements about the Poetry Out Loud Competition (POL). Continue reading