Students Choose the Xbox or PlayStation as a More Desirable Product

Juniors Isaac Rosentreter and Aaron Coffey play an intense game of Halo on an Xbox. Photo contributed by: Rich Gamble

By Keaton Espich

Since the release of the Xbox and the PlayStation, avid video game players have been fighting over which gaming system is preferred. Students in Plymouth High School have been disagreeing on what system is preferred as well.

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New Students Enter the Journalism Class

Entering the Journalism class, Freshmen, Kiara Meadors, Elizabeth Gallardo, Maeson Coffin, Keaton Espich and Julianna Cooper, plus sophomore Janessa Salazar, hope for a good trimester. Photo by: Brandon Heims


By Brandon Heims

The Journalism class of 2012-2013, trimester two, gains six new staff writers. The newspaper veterans hope to teach and expand the knowledge of these new students, while collecting ideas from them. Continue reading