Freshmen Meet PHS for the First Time

Freshmen Gabby Garver and Nicole McGriff take a moment to a let their freshmam year soak in. Photo by: Shelby Harrell

By Shelby Harrell

French author Andre Gide once said, “Man cannot discover vast new oceans, if he does not have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” This quote applies particularly to the Plymouth High School 2012 freshman class. The “vast ocean” is comparable to the high school, and the “shore” refers to the safety of Lincoln Junior High. The transition from the shore to the big ocean may be difficult to most “young sailors.” Continue reading

Pilgrim Perspective adds New Members to the Staff

Freshman Elizabeth Jackson, junior Allyson Bender, and sophomore Guadalupe Ortiz join the staff of Pilgrim Perspective. Photo by: Gina Rodeghero

By Gina Rodeghero

Brainstorming ideas, writing questions, and writing articles are a process everyone who takes journalism learns. Every year on the first day of school, the journalism class welcomes new members to the staff who are eager to learn more about the class.
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New Teachers Arrive in the Music and Art Department

Starting off the school year with her own giraffe drawing, Ms. Church inspires her students to do well. Photo by Brandon Heims

By Brandon Heims


Some new faces have arrived in the music and art department. New art teacher, Ms. Church and new orchestra teacher, Mrs. Kallenberg share how their career has led them to Plymouth High School. Continue reading