Finding a Roommate Could Be Harder Than Students Imagined

Leaving for college in six months, senior Grace Mestad is looking at all the various things that students can do while living on campus. Photo by Hayley Morris

By Hayley Morris

Picking a roommate could be one of the toughest decisions students have to make when applying for college. They  would not want to get stuck with someone who they have nothing in common with in their first year of college. They would want to make sure that they clicked and had at least one thing in common, if not more. Continue reading

Custodial Staff Takes Care of PHS

One of the many workers at PHS that keep the school fully functioning is our custodians. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

By Rebeca Lee

Custodians play a very important role in the functioning of a school. They are essential school employees who interact daily with students, teachers, parents and the community in their daily job function.

In the course of day-to-day work, it seems that it is an endless job of cleaning rooms that will be dirty again tomorrow. As true as this may be, it should be remembered that how well a job is done can affect not only the health and safety of the children, but morale and atmosphere of the entire school. Custodians are responsible primarily for cleaning the school building, equipment and grounds. Trudy Stearns one of PHS custodians said, “I clean the Cafeteria, Auditorium, Mrs. Faulstitch’s room, laundry, doors, doorways, check bathrooms during the day, mop up spills, clean up the break room/ small conference room, and classrooms.” For an everyday routine, one might say this is a lot to do.

Taking care of the high school puts a lot of pressure on one person, but as a worker at PHS custodians do not mind because putting the safety of students comes first. Photo by: Rebeca Lee

In the winter at PHS, there is always those days of snow. Whether few days or many, that cold white blanket ends up coming back each year. When students and staff at Plymouth High School arrive in the morning on one of those winter days, the snow is always cleared and icy walkways are always salted so everyone can walk safety indoors. Safety is Plymouth High School custodians’ top priority.

Many custodians come to work in the schools after establishing themselves in a different field or career. Custodian Stearns has been working as a PHS janitor for four years and was former a bus driver for more than 21 years. She says, “I really love my job. I like working days and getting the chance to interact with the kids and faculty. Some of the kids have even given me the nickname ‘Grandma Trudy’.” Mrs. Stearns believes that students do treat her with respect and is grateful that they do.

It is very rare for custodians to get recognized for all the great things that they do. They do so much for the safety and pride of  the school by keeping things well cleaned and kept. In return for everything they do, Mrs. Stearns asks students to try and clean up any messes that they make and  to try not to eat in the hallways.


Emily Trump’s Mission Trip to Guatemala Helped Others

Freshman Emily Trump is eager to help others and make a difference in not only other countries but in her own community. Photo by: Haylee Schuh

By Haylee Schuh

Going to a different country can be an thrilling experience, but when going out of the country to help people in need and learn about different cultures can be truly fulfilling. Like many individuals, sometimes people look at things to closely instead of looking at the bigger picture, and that is the process of lending a hand to others while enjoying the actuality of a new environment. Continue reading