Sunshine Society Is Preparing for Sweetheart

Sunshine Society President Gaby Ramirez and Vice-President Madison Good talk with teacher sponsor, Mrs. Gordon, about plans for the upcoming Sweetheart Dance. Photo by: Kelsey Schneiders


By Kelsey Schnieders

As November 12th rolls closer, the halls are abuzz with talk of the annual Sweetheart dance.  Who has a date?  Who has a dress?  The Sweetheart Dance is put on every year by the Sunshine Society, and they are putting more work than ever into this year’s dance.

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Texting in School Can Be Good and Bad for Students

Sophomore Travis Tredway estimates that he sends "about one hundred texts per day." Photo by: Michaela Moreno

By Michaela Moreno

Texting in school during passing periods can be positive or negative for Plymouth High School students. Plymouth High School students used to be warned that their cellular devices would be taken away if seen texting, but these days, texting is permitted during the five minute passing periods.
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The Road to Perserving High School Memories Begins with the Hard Work of Yearbook

Junior Elsy Mendoza is part of the yearbook staff. One of the steps to complete the yearbook is to take pictures. Mendoza is taking pictures of Mrs. Gadziola's first hour cultural experience for the yearbook. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz.

By Patricia Ortiz

The yearbook may just appear to be pictures, but a lot of hard work is done in order for students to enjoy life long memories.

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