“Gatsby and Me.”

Junior Cassie Gaines received third place in the "One Book One Town" essay contest. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

By Gina Rodeghero

This year Plymouth High School had two winners for the Plymouth Public Library’s “One Book One town” writing scholarship contest.   One of the many prompts included, “Gatsby and Me.”

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Girls Tennis Team Comes Out Strong

Among the five senior leaders, Lindsay Renz, Chelsea Thoden, and Erin Kinney have helped lead the girls tennis team this year. Photo by: Maggie Morrow

By Maggie Morrow

The girls tennis team has several goals in mind for the 2011 season, and they do not plan on letting anything get in their way. Led by five senior captains, the girls are excited to be a part of what has already been a very successful season.

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