An Inside Look at the Work of Key Club

Sophomore Kurt Corsbie loves to volunteer and serve his community

By Lauren Rearick

As the end of the school year quickly approaches, members of the PHS Key Club hurry to get the last of their community service hours completed. Key Club, a volunteer organization found in high schools around the world, gets students involved in the act of helping others as well as their community.  PHS members are required to dedicate 50 hours per school year to volunteer work in order to remain a part of the club.

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Students Share Their Spring Break Excitement

Sophomore Rinda Kay Scott and junior Tori Fox are two of the many students excited for spring break. Photo by: Ellen Smith

By Ellen Smith

Many PHS students are excited for a “holiday” that is only a week away: spring break.  This milestone represents both the end of winter and the beginning of the end of the school year.  With spring on its way, many students are eager to begin break.

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