Pilgrim Perspective Welcomes New Journalism Students to its Staff

By Maggie Morrow

Sophomores Pauline Dagaas, Alexandria Schaffer, and Tori Godwin are excited for this trimester. Photo by: Maggie Morrow

Each year, the journalism class sees several new faces added to the number of writers for the Pilgrim Perspective.  Everyone  has  many different personalities and interests, but fortunately all these traits mesh together  well to  create  a great paper.

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PHS Cross Country Team Runs Into a Good Season

By Maggie Morrow

From left, junior Gaby Ramirez, and seniors Derrick Lee, Allasyn Slater, and Emily Walden are the 2010 team captains. Photo by: Maggie Morrow

For the PHS Cross Country team, the word “family” may better describe this group.  Coming into the season strongly, the team members are more ready than ever to come out on top this year.

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Four New Teachers Make Plymouth Home

By Matthew Libersky

Ms. Kristen Dorland recently began teaching English in Plymouth. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

Moving to a new school can be stressful as a student, but one can only imagine the hard work it takes to teach at a completely new school.

Four new teachers have joined the Plymouth High School staff as the result of various teachers’ retirements and relocations. The English, Agriculture, History, and Physical Education departments have all gained one teacher each over the summer.

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