Students Demonstrate the True Power of Youth

By Pauline Dagaas

Sophomore Marissa Clary travelled to Haiti over the summer where she helped teach Vacation Bible School.
Photo by: Kelsey Leonard.

Summer is a time to relax, and in some cases, a time to make a difference. Over the past summer three students from Plymouth High School traveled to various destinations, aiding many along the way, changing lives for the better. What they didn’t realize was how much of an impact their experience would have on them. Continue reading

Musicians have great passion for their Music

By Pauline Dagaas

Jake Harley, as well as his fellow band members, hope to one day make it big.
Photo by: Pauline Dagaas

Whether it be a specific sport, activity, interest, or hobby, students can all agree they have a passion. And for three teens, one thing is for sure. They all share a passion for music and the dream of one day making it big. Continue reading