Holly Overmyer, Ashley Combs, Justina Hite, Lauren Tanner, Madison Good, Allison Berger, Kaley Brower, and Kenzie Haenes all have participated in the JDRF walks and car washes. Photo contributed by: Ashley Combs
By: Ashley Combs
“I just want to be normal like my friends,” was one of my first thoughts after I first got diagnosed with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes in 2007. Over time I have matured, though, and learned how to manage my diabetes. Dealing with diabetes can be a challenge, but with a cure right around the corner, the lives of many children and adults could change forever. For the past three years my friends, family, and I have held a car wash to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). Raising money helps to find a cure for the more than three million Americans that have type 1 diabetes. Continue reading →