Kenzie Schuler’s Trip to Africa

Kenzie Schuler enjoys her mission trip to Africa by spending some quality time with some children from the orphanage. Photo contributed by: Kenzie Schuler

By Hunter Stevens

In one’s lifetime there are very few things that make an impression. It either takes a very unique experience to make a huge impressions, or a very small experience that you don’t expect. In this case, it is a mission trip.
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New Years Resolution: Changing for the Better

Everyone has goals or resolutions to make for the New Year. Whatever commitments students make, it will hopefully give them a more fun filled life. Photo by: Haylee Schuh

By Haylee Schuh

It is always said that a fresh start is always needed to become prosperous in anything individuals do. Well, New Years is not only a fresh start but something that gives students another chance to start over and learn from their mistakes. Whether students are successful or not, they take on their own New Year’s Resolution that ultimately changes them for the better, or worse.

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School Locker Signs Bring Diversity

Showing their talents, gifts, and school spirit, students post school spirit signs in their lockers based on the sports, clubs, and other school activities they are involved in. Photo by: Kathryn Sommers

By Kathryn Sommers

Whether it be sports, band, clubs or choir, this school’s activities show off who is having school spirit by posting signs on student’s lockers. The signs make the school look unique and different from the others.
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