Emily Trump’s Mission Trip to Guatemala Helped Others

Freshman Emily Trump is eager to help others and make a difference in not only other countries but in her own community. Photo by: Haylee Schuh

By Haylee Schuh

Going to a different country can be an thrilling experience, but when going out of the country to help people in need and learn about different cultures can be truly fulfilling. Like many individuals, sometimes people look at things to closely instead of looking at the bigger picture, and that is the process of lending a hand to others while enjoying the actuality of a new environment. Continue reading

Natural Disasters are Parts of Students’ Lives

A student checks the radar on a MacBook after school to see what the weather is like outside. Photo by: Kathryn Sommers

By Kathryn Sommers

Some people wish they had experienced some type of natural disaster like a fire, tornado, earthquake, flood or hurricane just to see what it feels like.   At PHS some students have felt what it is like to experience some of these events.
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PHS Computer Regulations are Explained

Blocking students’ Internet access at school and home, the Lightspeed Content Filter is required by law. Mr. Schmeltz explained that schools have to have this filter in order to receive federal funding to pay for the Internet connection. Photo by: Logan Richards

By Logan Richard

With the arrivals of the MacBook Pros at PHS, many students now live in fear of being re-imaged and may not know the dos and don’ts of the computers. Mr. Daniel Schmeltz and Principal Jim Condon have now explicitly covered rules that the PHS student handbook does not clarify in order to help students use their computers wisely. 

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