Creative Writing, without the Pen and Paper

By Tiffany Buchanan

Mr. Coffman and some of his Creative Writing students take time from their stories for a picture.
Photo by: Silian Oseguera

A unique course has recently been added to Plymouth High School’s curriculum.  It allows students to express their creative writing skills, but does not require a traditional classroom setting.  Mr. Coffman and various students enrolled in the course provide a deeper explanation of Creative Writing. Continue reading

Easy and Helpful Tips to Save Money

By Anyssa Alonso

Juniors Gaby Ramirez and Grace Mestad think of smart ways to shop.
Photo by: Anyssa Alonso

“It’s so hard not to want to spend money!”  says Junior Gaby Ramirez, “I try not to spend so much but it never works.”    Everyone these days could use more money.  But teenagers seem to be some of the most who struggle to get it and save it.  Attending high school while working a full time job, just isn’t an option.  The question is, what can one do to make a little extra money? Continue reading

PHS Cheerleaders Shine with School Spirit

By Anyssa Alonso

Cheerleaders express their joy for the win of the football game.
Photo By: Lindsey Downs

“…the night gets dark and the lights come up, the thrill of the crowd and cheering is the best,” says first year cheerleader Senior Sarah Gouker.  The cheerleading squad is one of the many prides at PHS and is never short of school spirit.  Sporting school colors and bright smiles, PHS cheerleaders know how to get the crowd pumped for another Plymouth victory.
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