Driving creates a myriad of costs for students, but there are benefits as well

Junior Becca Houser said that insurance and gas are the main costs for her when it comes to driving. Photo by: Beca Lee

By Matthew Libersky

One of the majors factors affecting students’ desire or ability to drive is the numerous costs associated with it. From insurance to gas, many PHS students are waiting to drive until they are able to cover these costs. Continue reading

Kenzie Schuler’s Trip to Africa

Kenzie Schuler enjoys her mission trip to Africa by spending some quality time with some children from the orphanage. Photo contributed by: Kenzie Schuler

By Hunter Stevens

In one’s lifetime there are very few things that make an impression. It either takes a very unique experience to make a huge impressions, or a very small experience that you don’t expect. In this case, it is a mission trip.
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