Reading in Different Ways

Though e-readers can replace carrying around thousands of pages of conventional books, some people still prefer physical books for having something physical to hold. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

By Jake Lenburg

As people use technology more and more, book publishing companies are trying to catch up with the digital age by producing e-readers (also known as e-book readers). Some people at Plymouth High School are already doing so. For many people, having a Kindle or a Nook (both popular e-book readers) is like having your own personal library in your pocket. Also, these devices often allow the user to read newspapers and magazines.

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Plymouth Creates Youth Council for the City

Several Plymouth High School students are members of the Mayor's Youth Council. Top: Cassie Gaines, Logan May, Holly Spier, Lindsey Holloway. Bottom: Karly Gruett, Ashley Harrell, Curtis Smith. Photo contributed by: Laura Mann.

By Ellen Smith

Mayor Mark Senter and the city of Plymouth have recently added a new group of helpers to their numbers — Plymouth youth.  The mayor’s youth council hopes to be a helpful addition to the Plymouth leaders and the community. Some members of the youth council are even students at PHS.  This youth council is a great opportunity for youth, as well as an advancement for the city of Plymouth.

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New Restaurant “Symphony” Coming to Plymouth

By Matthew Libersky

A new restaurant, dubbed “Symphony” will open in a couple of weeks in Plymouth. The owner, Jim Latif, also owns King Gyros in Plymouth and said they completely rennovated the building that was formerly home to Schoop’s. Photo by: Matthew Libersky

In a couple weeks, a new restaurant will be opening on N. Michigan St. in Plymouth. The restaurant, called “Symphony,” will be run by the current owner of King Gyros in Plymouth and will serve steak, pasta and fish.

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