The Differences in Eating Habits

"Arroz de Pato" (rice with duck) is a typical portuguese meal, very different from most american food. Provided by: Francisco Franco

“Arroz de Pato” (rice with duck) is a typical Portuguese meal, very different from most american food. Provided by: Francisco Franco

By Vasco Garcia

Since I was very little I heard how different American food was from Portuguese food. Now, as an exchange student I am confronted with different dishes, eating habits and customs from those I was used to.

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Portuguese Classroom Differs from Plymouth High School Classroom

Enthusiastic with Journalism Class, I am facing an opportunity I had never had in Portugal.

“I am enthusiastic about  Journalism Class; I am facing an opportunity I had never had in Portugal.” Photo by Elizabeth Jackson





By Vasco Garcia

“Good morning,” two words that are rarely pronounced in a Portuguese classroom. Cold relationships, disregard for each other’s well being, and disrespectful attitudes describe the relationship between students and teachers in the Portuguese public education system.

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