My Thoughts on School Changing


The Security Office was implemented at the start of the year. it is one of many new security features at PHS. Photo by: Cam Mullins

 By: Cam Mullins

High school is a reverent time period for graduates of the past four or five decades. It is regarded as one of the most rewarding, enjoyable times in life. Today’s high school students have some reservations about school and the way they’re taught.

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American Food from a Foreigner’s Perspective


An ice cream parlor in Vienna sells peanut brittle ice cream presented as the “American Dream.” Americans in Europe are known for eating a lot of peanut butter which is the reason for the headline “American Dream.”

By Leon Olszewski

Different cultures have different eating habits, and Americans are known for eating fast and unhealthy. Some visitors of the US have trouble adjusting to it; others enjoy it.

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