Peer Tutors Moving Students Toward Excellence in Classrooms

Peer tutors that help students in the classrooms succeed or a tremendous help to students and teachers.Junior Patricia Ortiz helps a student who is struggling on sentence fragments. Photo by: Haylee Schuh

By Haylee Schuh

Everyone somewhere along the way in his/her education will need assistance or help with something they struggle with. The person that helps everyone is usually admired and a leader among peers. Peer Tutors encourage students to do their homework the right way instead of the wrong way.

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PHS Acting Students are Turning Greek

Acting students have been hard at work trying to make the winter play perfect for the community. Photo by: Hayley Morris

By Hayley Morris

“This year’s winter play is all about laughter and it also has a huge lesson behind it whether someone sees that or not,” said Junior Allie Berger. The annual winter play is written by the juniors and seniors who are in the advanced acting class. Continue reading

Students are Exposed to a New World

Gathering around Sister Henrietta after learning about the Igbo, Mrs. Gifford's 10A honors class thanks her for coming to visit. Photo by: Jack Bowen

By Logan Richards

By reading Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Mrs. Gifford’s English 10 Honors classes learned about the story of the Igbo tribe from Nigeria  and their culture. After Mrs. Gifford’s classes had finished reading the novel, Sister Henrietta, a member of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, a religious order with United States Headquarters in Donaldson, Indiana, came to Plymouth High School to speak to the classes regarding how values have changed and how they contrast to those of the U.S.

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