The Editors in Chief

Lindsey joined yearbook in the winter of 2009 because “I wanted to join something and I like taking pictures.” In her spare time, Lindsey enjoys putting ‘Bert’ on the end of words and Photoshopping people into odd scenes. Seeing the Snapple fact every morning (provided by her good friend, Samantha) brightens Lindsey’s day. One thing you MUST know about Lindsey is that she LOVES oranges. “If I could be any fruit, I would be an orange,” says Lindsey. This past summer, Lindsey attended a five day yearbook workshop at Michigan State University. There, she and other staff members put together a rough proof of what this year’s book is to look like. Because of their tremendous efforts, the staff earned awards for their Theme Packet, and together Lindsey and Sam won the award for Best Editor Team. Lindsey looks forward to yearbook this year because, “it’s my senior year, and I want to make the book really awesome!” Story by Samantha
Samantha is not funny. She hates fun, she never laughs; she doesn’t even crack a smile. When she is working on yearbook, she means business, which is why she makes a very good editor. “Fun is overrated,” said Sam sarcastically. Sophomore year, Sam joined yearbook because of her love of photography. The day Sam joined yearbook is the day fun entered her vocabulary. Immediately she began to smile, and now she is an award winning photographer. Yearbook has provided Sam with many memories, most prominently was the down time spent at Michigan State University with fellow editor Lindsey. The number one goal for Sam this year is “to get the book done in a timely manner so I can be collegiate at IPFW in the fall.” Story by Lindsey
Section Editors
Zach → Academics Editor
Known for his love of all things geography, Zach enjoys designing spreads and writing spread articles as well. He joined yearbook in the fall of 2010 and climbed the staff ladder to become the academics section editor. Zach desired to have that job title since he wanted to oversee the formation of the spreads in the yearbook section. He aims to have coverage for every subject area, from Agriculture to Social Studies. Zach’s number one goal for the yearbook is that, “The 2011 Mayflower yearbook is designed better and has more enriching content than last year’s book.” His second ambition is to have more coverage of classes this year, saying, “I believe that the academics section needs more emphasis because it reveals what school is all about: having fun while learning meaningful content in the wide variety of classes that PHS has to offer.” Besides being involved in yearbook and expanding his geographical knowledge, he participated on the successful PHS Spell Bowl Team that repeatedly goes to state and hopes to contribute to the Academic Super Bowl team so it can advance to state as well. He is also the Events Coordinator for Art Club, Treasurer of Junior State of America, and a member of the National Honor Society. While being involved in many things, Zach cherishes nature and the blessings he receives.

Samantha → Student Life Editor
Sam is a senior this year, and ready to take on the world. You might see her sitting on the counter top in Mrs. Schmeltz’s room, or writing encouraging messages to editor Lindsey, because that’s just the kind of person she is. Although she has a bad habit of walking into yearbook class late, once she gets there, she makes sure she gets down to business. When she’s not busy at work, Wheat loves to spend time at home with her precious cat, Lilly. Nothing like spreading all of her love to things in need. Once she gets everyone settled, she enjoys heading over to Bourbon to spend time with her best pal Cass. When she graduates, she has big dreams of moving out of state, just to start her new life of being independent. Sam feels like the yearbook class will be nothing without her next year, but she hopes the best for the rest of the kids in the class.

Kylie → Sports Editor
Senior Kylie is the sports editor and loves what she does. In her second year of yearbook, she describes why she wanted to be sports editor, “I love sports and I know a lot of the athletes in the school. As an athlete, I know how the athletes want to be portrayed in the yearbook so I want to make sure they’re all happy with what they see!” Kylie is a very involved student being involved in ten different clubs, soccer, volunteering, and her youth group. Although she is undecided, she wants to go to college somewhere in Indiana and major in something she’ll be passionate about. When asked what her favorite part about yearbook is, she said, “Little Debbies and seeing the final product of the yearbook we worked hard on all year.” Kylie does her best to complete all her spreads to look the best she can make them. She loves designing spreads and putting all the pictures and words together. Kylie knows once she graduates, the sports section will still look amazing because, “Rachael and Mackenzie are such hard workers. They both are athletes like me and understand what needs to be included in the sports section. They get their stuff done and they do it right. I have no doubt in my mind when they fill my spot they’ll do awesome!” Because it’s her senior year, Kylie says “this year’s book is really important to me since its my senior year. I want it to look fantastic when it’s finished! I know it will because our awesome staff will make sure of it; I’m not worried.”

Brooke → Clubs Editor
Her name is Brooke and she likes the simple things in life. While yearbook is quite demanding with all the deadlines and gathering of information, she enjoys creating something that her fellow classmates will appreciate. One of her favorite parts of yearbook are the random “parties” and the delicious snacks that are given just because. She joined yearbook because she didn’t have anything else to add to her schedule but she’s happy with her decision. The future is unknown to her but her mind is set on going to college and making something of herself. To her, life is a highway and she’s just going for a ride and hoping to end up somewhere nice.

Kiara → Photo Editor
When she was just a little girl walking up to her first day of preschool, Kiara knew what she wanted to do with her life. She always walked around with a Polaroid or disposable camera and a folder of blank paper and a box of pencils. Capturing day to day life was something that had the most peculiar hold on her. They way the sun shone through to tree branches in a red tint in fall, the way the rain trickled down the windows and the way the birds frolicked in the water in the yard. It’s the simple things in life that made her happy. Still to this day, they do the trick just fine. Her favorite quotes are “the best things in life aren’t things” and “you are the author of your own life’s story.” “I like them because they are so true. I value my friends and family over material possessions and no one can tell you how to go about your life except yourself. You just have to live life according to your own standards. Make yourself happy and help others along the way.” When she’s not drawing or on a walk taking pictures you can find Kiara playing guitar or spending time with her family and friends. She will be attending the International Business College of Fort Wayne next year studying graphic design where hopes to pursue her love of photography.

Alayna → Photo Editor
During the summer you can find her on the soccer field, in the pool, or at the mall with her friends. Alayna, a senior at Plymouth High School, spends her free time in the pool trying to get a leg up on her competition. She said her favorite part of diving is the fact that it is an individual event, “It’s all up to me how well I do.” Her goal for the season was to break 250 and have the school record for both six dives and eleven dives. Alayna is also a varsity goal keeper and although her high school soccer career is over, she looks forward to watching her teammates play next season when she is home from college. She is planning on attending Rider University, and studying Sports Journalism. She decided to study Journalism because, “ I love writing, and my sophomore year I took a yearbook class and fell in love with it,” she said. Alayna is still in yearbook and loves taking pictures. As she nears the end of her high school career she hopes everything works out, if it does this won’t be the last time you hear her name.

Kylie → Business Manager
A junior with high hopes and dreams, Kylie, is the business manager for the school year of 2011-2012. This is her second year in yearbook She joined is because she loved it last year! Her goals are to attend college for accounting once she graduates. Even though she isn’t too sure about where she wants to go, she wants to stay close to home. Organizing things just seems to be something that comes naturally to her. She enjoys cleaning things, and goes crazy if something isn’t where it’s supposed to be, but that’s what makes her a good business manager. She learns quickly and hates feeling like a failure. She tries her hardest in all of her classes, even when they bring her down. She attempts to be positive about anything she can be. Arby’s is where she works and loves working there. “It’s so clean, it makes me proud to be standing behind that counter when people walk in,” she says. She’s a very outgoing person and isn’t shy, unless around new people, but that would be just at first. Yearbook is something she enjoys very much because the teacher is great, the staff works hard, and it’s worth her time.

Maiyah → Reference Editor
I like to wear black and I am different than other people. Who am I? Maiyah. I am hard to describe but it might be worth a try. I like to write and read. Although I am not good at either if under pressure. I work at Wendy’s as a Crew Member and try to get all of my homework done at the same time. When I am not at work I’m at home helping my mom with my 2 year old sister. My family is strange too. Where do you think I got it from? My mom and I both like to write, which is how I got my start on writing.
My goals in life are to finish high school and go to college. I want to be a Psychologist and help others get their life on track. I don’t like being part of the “IN” crowd. There is too many people who feel they have to be just like each other and I don’t like that. I like being different. I am quiet but I can be loud if needed. My friends are amazing. I can count on them for anything.

Autumn → Reference Editor
Autumn joined yearbook in the year of 2010. In her spare time, Autumn likes to read or watch movies. This past summer, Autumn went to New York, then traveled to New Jersey for a missions trip afterwards. After the mission trip, she came back to Plymouth where she stayed for the rest of the summer. When school was started, she made sure she had all three trimesters of yearbook. So far, she has made a lot of new friends in this class. Her favorite class however, is peer tutoring with Mr. Mills. She really enjoys working with the kids, and they always have a way of making her smile. “I’m going to be sure to get this class on my schedule more.” She was peer tutor her freshmen year as well, but she didn’t have the connection she has with them now. Autumn can’t wait to see what is in store for her in the rest of the school year.
First-Year Staff Members

Dakota, a junior at PHS, plans on being on the yearbook staff for two trimesters this year. Although she doesn’t know why she originally signed up for the yearbook class, she says she is very glad that she did decide to. The aspect of yearbook she is looking forward to most is the photography, a skill which she hopes to perfect during the twenty-four weeks she will be in the class. Her favorite section in the yearbook is the one that has many random photos of different students, teachers, and activities, as well as the photos of different clubs. After high school, she plans on attending college. She is still undecided as to where she will go, but is considering Ancilla College. In her free time, you could find Dakota working at Wendy’s and watching the TV show ‘America’s Got Talent.’ Story by Abby

Fun, outgoing, enthusiastic, caring: all of these words describe Mackenzie . Mackenzie is 16 years old and a junior at Plymouth High School, whose best friend is Hope. Her favorite thing to do outside of school is to go to her barn and ride her horses. I asked Mackenzie who inspired her the most; she answered by saying, “My mother inspires me because no matter how bad she feels she is always there for us.” Mackenzie seems to be a very inspired person. I also asked Mackenzie about how she felt about the Mac Books, and she said, “I think they are the worse idea the school has ever had.” Many people in the school feel the same way about the Mac Books. I then asked her where she sees herself in 10 years; she said, “I see myself in a nice house with a family.” She stated that the way that she is going to get there is by graduating high school, completing college, and getting a job. Mackenzie enjoys doing many things, and that includes riding her horses, and hanging out with her friends. I questioned her about how she felt about Yearbook and she answered by saying, “I feel that it’s going to be a great class, and I can’t wait for some action to start.” Mackenzie likes going to the Blueberry, and she is going with Hope. When I asked her is she was attending, she said, “Yes, because the food is great!” She said that her favorite carnival food is Pork-A-Pit Chicken! When I asked her if she enjoyed watching the fireworks at Blueberry she said, “I do, because they only happen once a year!” Mackenzie is just an overall really nice person; she would do anything, for anyone! Story by Taylor

Jessica is a freshman at Plymouth high school. She inspires herself to be who she is today. Jessica joined the yearbook staff this year because she loves to take pictures. Jessica says, “I will do what it takes to contribute to this year’s yearbook.” Jessica’s favorite part about yearbook is that she will learn how to take really good pictures and learn what people want to see in their yearbook. When Jessica isn’t taking pictures for the yearbook she is normally writing poems or texting her friends. Also, while she is texting her friends she is listening to her favorite kinds of music: country and hip hop. Then her favorite singer Eminem comes on the radio. Story by Hayley

Rachael, a junior here at Plymouth High School, and also a member of the Mayflower yearbook staff, has a very busy schedule this year. Balancing school and sports, not to mention meeting yearbook deadlines. But, in spite of it all, she loves it! Why did she join yearbook? A couple of friends told her to join and now she is signed up for three trimesters with Mrs. Schmeltz. Rachael is also a great athlete, participating in both soccer and gymnastics. It’s her coaches that inspire her to do her best and work hard. But, even with her busy schedule, she will always have time for her favorite class, English. “I love writing and making up stories,” says Rachael. That is another reason why she decided to join yearbook. Speaking of yearbook, Rachael says she is excited to help create a great book this year. She loves the sports section and the student life because she says you get to see who everyone is and what they like to do. She plans on contributing by doing whatever is needed to make it good. “I’m not really sure what my favorite part is yet, but I like the different activities we do,” Rachael answered when asked what her favorite part about yearbook is. She is also a little nervous for the big papers she has to write, organizing prom, and trying to learn everything about yearbook. Kylie her group leader will be with her to help her through it all. With her passion to write and her love for sports, she is sure to have a great couple of years at PHS. Story by MacKenzie

Name this student. She is a junior with blonde hair. She is taking yearbook because she likes photography and thinks her photos will be a big contribution to the yearbook. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Hassett, the art teacher, because he makes art so fun. She manages the boys wrestling team because she enjoys the feeling of helping the team. She also participates in both Spell Bowl and Art Club. She joined these two clubs because she likes learning new words and loves art. She has lived in Plymouth her whole life but was home schooled until 8th grade. On a personal note, her favorite colors are blue and green because, “they’re so pretty!” Her favorite movie is Inception because it’s confusing but a good movie. Also, her favorite song is Moves Like Jagger, by Maroon 5. She has two younger brothers who are the ages of 8 and 15 years old. She has a horse named Ruby; a dog named Jupiter; five cats named Perri, Tigger, Chloe, Astro, and Dave; as well as 30 cows. She has a driver’s license, but does not have a job. And finally, in ten years she sees herself married with a few possible children. So, name the student.
Answer: Abigail; Story by Cole

Hayley is a junior at Plymouth High School, she is a nice and happy person. She has many friends, but her best friend is Jamie i. They met way back in elementary school when they got put on the same basketball team. They have still remained real good friends. Hayley likes to come to school for many reasons, but she really likes to come to see all of her friends. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Hatcher because she likes his personality. Favorite class of the day for Hayley is choir because she loves to dance and sing. She likes being a junior, except doesn’t like that she will graduate next year. Hayley plans on going to college after high school, and learn something about kids or cameras. However, she is not sure yet what college or university that she would like to attend. Hayley’s favorite food is spaghetti, because she likes the taste of the tomato sauce with her noodles. Hayley went to Washington D.C. And loved it because she learned many historical facts. Hayley is not an only child, she has an older brother named Jarvis, and a younger sister named Lilly. She has a big fear of losing anyone that is close to her. Hayley likes being in yearbook, and she plans on getting through it by showing up everyday and putting 110% of her effort and time to make sure that she gets all of her work done. She also plans on joining yearbook again next year, because she loves making memories. Hayley also likes being in this class, because she enjoys working with other people that way she can hear their thoughts and opinions on the work she has done, and the work that everyone else is doing. She loves this awesome class! Story by Blake


Coming into his freshman year here at Plymouth, he decided to take yearbook, wanting to gain experience in computer design. He would like to go into video game design for a career choice. Photography is a backup plan for Cole. In his spare time, Cole helps out his 11 year old little sister Lyndi with her soccer or basketball practice, play video games, and hangout with friends. He also enjoys listening to music when he can. “I’d have to say Fall Out Boy or Linkin Park,” was his response when I asked his favorite band. Cole isn’t in any clubs at the moment but what he did say was, “I like PLTW (Project Lead the Way) because I like the idea of engineering and thinking of new ideas.” Mr. Masson is a favorite teacher of Cole’s. He makes his class fun. On May 11th he will be celebrating his 15th birthday. He is Cole. A freshmen at Plymouth High School. Story by Dakota

Taylor + Inner Ballerina= A Bundle of Loveliness! Could that be true? Did you know that she was a secret professional Ballerina? No, we’re just kidding; hahaha it’s all an inside joke that she has with her friend Mackenzie. It all started when they had to fill out a survey and Mackenzie was filling it out as if she was Taylor! But, do you really know Taylor? She is a junior at Plymouth High School, who on her free time normally likes to check her Facebook and listen to music. She is occasionally found outside finding things to do; she’s not always on Facebook and being a lazy teenager. This year is her first year joining yearbook, and her goal for yearbook this year is to make it really good even though at this moment she doesn’t know what she would change. Taylor hopes to have fun because that is one of the main reasons she joined yearbook. The person who inspires her is the person that brought her to this world: her mama :). Due to the fact that her mother, “has gone through a lot in her life, she still manages not to go crazy”. Many students in our school this school year aren’t really used to the MacBook laptops. So when asked what she thought of this school year, she said, “I hate it, I would rather just stay home and take classes online, because that’s much what were doing, I would go back to old school anytime, I think it would be awesome.” In fact, Macbooks are the number one thing she would change about the school because they make it hard for her to learn. Taylor’s goal is to go to college and become a Dental Hygienist. Story by Elsy


How much do you really know about Elsy? Well to start off, Elsy was born in Honduras on November 22. The story regarding that is a bit too long to explain, but the short version of her story would be that her father moved to the Americas 12 years ago, then her mother 11 years ago, then she came 10 years ago. The main reason they moved is because it would provide better future for both her and her family. Elsy’s family inspires her the most as a person. Her mother is also her best friend because she is the only one she can trust and know that she will always be there for her. For school, Elsy’s classes and stuff aren’t going too well. She doesn’t really have any favorite teacher, because she likes them all the same, and if it weren’t for them, she wouldn’t be someone special in the future. Her favorite classes this year so far are Yearbook and Spanish. She doesn’t really like school at all this year, mostly because of her mac book, and mostly because its boring. As Elsy said, “ The Macs are a pain in my booty! By the end of this year I’m going to have grey hairs, I tell ya, with all of this stress.” Elsy wanted to take yearbook because her cousin told her that it was an awesome class, and she thought that it would be tons of fun. Plus, she digs Mrs. Schmeltz. Story by Mackenzie

Blake is a junior at Plymouth High School and is enthusiastic about everything that he does. He’s the kid cracking jokes in class and doesn’t hesitate to laugh as loud as he wants. Not only does Blake laugh loud, he also sings loud as well. He is in the Crimson Connection and loves to sing. Even though he has a lot of friends in his yearbook class, the teacher, Mrs. Schmeltz, is his best buddy. He runs to her when he has a good idea about yearbook. He has priorities in life, and one of the important ones is his Yearbook class. “I would step on grapes barefoot to sell more copies of the yearbook,” Blake says. Although he is contributing to the yearbook, he has a phobia of getting his picture taken so Blake has no intentions to be in the yearbook much this year. Another one of his fears is getting abducted by aliens. Blake’s spare time is spent hanging out with friends and reading books by Gary Paulson. His favorite book by Paulson is The Hatchet. One of Blake’s favorite quotes from this book is “I am full of tough hope.” He says “there’s something about this quote that just speaks to me.” Story by Kaley

Mackenzie is a bubbly freshman with long, dark blonde hair and a smile always on her face. She is a very involved person participating in volleyball and tennis along with sunshine club and pep club. Last year, she enrolled in a yearbook class at the junior high which inspired her to continue being engaged in yearbook at P.H.S. She states, “I really enjoy yearbook, it’s fun!” She loves to creatively take pictures and make unique designs to go along with them. To help contribute to yearbook works on meeting deadlines and working extra hard to get quality work. Kylie leads her by being her group leader and teaching her how to create different ideas and to take a different view on things. In the two trimesters that she is in yearbook she will contribute her ideas and pictures to the sports section. This class just might be the class she works hardest in because this just happens to be her favorite class. Although yearbook is a top class of hers, she still will have to continue working hard in every class so that she can reach her goal of getting into the University of Indianapolis. She declares that she wants to go to that particular school because it has a really good medical program. Mackenzie is a wonderful person with a supporting dad to inspire and push her to do her absolute best. Story by Rachael