Get Your Copy

If you would lDeadlines to order a yearbookike to purchase a Plymouth High School Yearbook, you are at the right place! After clicking on the button below, enter our school code, 3897! From there, you can click on the ‘Buy A Yearbook’ link and enter the name of your PHS student; if you do not go to PHS currently and would like to buy a book, you still can; type in a random name and a button will appear that says, ‘That’s OK, Click Here to Add New’! Then, type in the name of your student – or yourself! Yes, you can buy a book – just select ‘Unspecified Grade’ under the ‘Grade’ drop-down box. Not only can you buy a book, but you can create posters and help us out by uploading photos via eShare! We greatly appreciate your support!

Order a Yearbook Here!

To send the order form back to us, Return to Mrs. Amy Schmeltz through e-mail or by mail…

By E-mail:

By Mail:
#1 Big Red Drive
Plymouth, IN 46563